Investing in our youth
Our mission is to enhance and expand our youth’s learning capacity so they can be empowered to realize their full potential.
About Us
Educubed Foundation NPC (“Educubed”) is a registered non-profit company providing a supportive ecosystem that develops and empowers South Africa’s young talent to be global leaders by investing in them through education.
The latest Progress in International Reading Literacy Study which assesses children’s reading comprehension in developed and developing countries ranked South African children last. The statistics show that 78% of Grade 4 pupils in South Africa cannot read for basic meaning. That means, eight out of ten 10-year-olds in South Africa are functionally illiterate. A 78% illiteracy rate in Grade 4 pupils means that the next generation of South Africans will enter the workforce without basic comprehension skills. We will have a generation without the capacity to learn, teach and lead. This coupled with the South African Youth Unemployment rate being 55.7% at the end of Q1 of 2019 paints a despairing picture for South Africa’s future